Hi, how can we help you?
Are you a customer in a store?
If you are a customer in a store that uses the Flea Lover system, you can find help here for logging in, checking your sales, creating products and other stuff.
If you are a customer in a store that uses the Flea Lover system, you can find help here for logging in, checking your sales, creating products and other stuff.
Are you the owner of a consignment store, you can find a guide how to create a new Flea Lover system. And remember, you can get a 14 days FREE trial period.
Find a complete guide on how to set up your new Flea Lover system. It will only take you a few minutes to set up.
In this section you will finde guides on how to create and invite customers, how to print products with barcodes and other guides to the system.
Guides on how to set up your label printer + other guides to the system.
Flea Lover
Flea Lover is a consignment system used by secondhand and resell businesses around the world. Our system integrates easily with the well know Zettle by PayPal check out system.
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